Wednesday, March 21, 2007

#9 Social networking

After seeing Stephen Abram's talk, I was curious about some of these social networking environments, especially Second Life, so for the past few weeks I've been spending a little time there. I'm not a gamer, so the learning curve is pretty steep for me in this type of environment, but I think it has a lot of potential. However, after reading the article about the librarian in SL, I wonder how much use it could really be for libraries. The librarian mentioned that most of her questions related to the SL environment itself ("how do I get my avatar to stop dancing?")

I saw a report on CBS Sunday Morning a couple of weeks ago about Second Life, and they mentioned that some people have made a lot of money (up to $200,000 a year) by setting up virtual shops and selling things there. Just another space on the web, but a different one than I'm used to, so I'm finding it interesting right now.

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